Friday, April 23, 2010

bad mood

Fatigue Meter: 10

Chelsea and the terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day.

ok, so it wasn't that bad (like at all), but i still wanted to say that. (book nostalgia FTW!)i wish i had written my blog earlier when i was in a better mood.

as much as i'd like to say i'm totally over it, i'm totally not over the fact that my plan for an epic video was epic alright. an epic fail.

so, i sent this tweet this morning. and no one replied. which rather sucked since i think it was a genuinely good idea.

it's times like these that make you want to delete your twitter account. :/

anywho, since i sent the "important" email with all the details that everyone needs to know for the big meeting on Sunday, i really haven't wanted to think about the Guide. and for the most part, i haven't thought about it. i have tweets set to be sent automatically, so the one today was actually written days ago.

ugh! i'm talking about twitter again!

from Feb 5th:
so i've been thinking a lot lately about how awkward and slightly creepy it is to have friends online. don't get me wrong, i love you guys. but, see, that's the problem. it's kind of creepy that i love you guys.
let's look at the facts. with the exception of one person, i have never actually met any of the people i talk to online. i have a few people's addresses, but no one's phone numbers. i know what all of you look like, sound like, and quite a few of your favorite things. i know your aspirations and even a few of your fears. i also happen to talk to most of you at least once a day. even if only briefly via twitter. and if i don't talk to you, i at least get an update via twitter/facebook/youtube/your blog.
ps. i wish the content of my blogs matched the quality of most of my titles. :/

my thoughts now: first, i'd like to point out that this is a perfect example of the fact that sometimes i write the last line before i'm finished with the post. i did that with my last blog entry as well.

ugh! i keep trying to turn this blog around and make it positive, but my mood just really sucks! every time i make an attempt to turn it around, it just u-turns and goes right back to negative! i can't write an entry about internet friends when i'm this moody. ok, i'm going to stop this blog post before it gets any worse, and i'm going to bed before my mood can get any worse.

good night!

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