YouTube is magic.
i'm sure i've written this sentiment before, but i have no problem reiterating.
YouTube is magic.
i had one of those nights where you sit down at your computer at a decent hour to be sitting down at your computer (8:30-9pm) and you don't stop watching the YouTubes until midnight. i started at Black Box TV, then to 7NAP, then to the latest from Dome, then to the latest Frezned, then some older Frezned, then Meekakitty (who i hadn't watched before!), then a Whataboutadam (who i also hadn't watched before), then back to Meekakitty. she's psycho! i now LOVE her! i mean, i thought she was pretty cool when i met her in person at VidCon, but seeing her vlogs and knowing who she is... well, she's epic!
and that's just how YouTube goes, ya know. you can even meet someone for real, "IRL" (i still hate that phrase. but it's your name. shut up! we're not talking about that.), and STILL not really not know them without seeing their vlogs. is that what life is now? no one will be real to me unless i've seen their vlogs?
i think vlogs say something about a person. how alike they are to their vlogs vs. how much is scripted is rather telling i think. like, i try to be very much myself in my vlogs. or at least show the more energetic side of me. cuz my calm side would be boring. XD but yeah, you see Meekakitty in person and it's the same as she is in vlogs. but you see Alex Day (Nerimon) and he's just really calm. he like, takes his energy level up a notch. literally! he jumps up and down a few times to get the blood flowing. it's like... watching a transformation. but a very subtle one. it's not that it's a farce, more like a facet. it's real, but it's just one side that he's turned to. i think i do so as well, but in a far less extreme sense. i think my calm and energetic are probably less extreme than his. and Meekakitty seems not to have facets. she just is. which is awesome.
but all of that was NOT THE POINT! the point was, it's amazing how YouTube is this thing full of interesting people to watch, you just haven't found them yet. it's packed with awesome that is free to access if you have the time. and it's interactive! there's nothing else in the world like it!
my money is like... well the money situation is looking grimmer than a few months ago. but i do know one thing: i'm going to VidCon. (and i'll be staying in a hotel this time. definitely with Tiff. but hopefully also with Meg and Lydia. also with whoever else will fit in our floorspace. but this is neither here nor there.) it was the most amazing experience of my life and i know next year can only surpass it. and i would be cheating myself NOT to go.
also, i'm going to be vlogging. cuz it does the body good. or at least it does the brain and possibly the social situation (if you're a nerd like me) good. and even if it didn't, i just like it. there's nothing like vlogging and when i don't do it, i miss it.
so after tomorrow, 4 day weekend, yo! and Thanksgiving. fits into that 4 day weekend. so turkey. and eating. and awesome. and stuff. yeah.
anyway. it's late, and i need to sleep now. so i'm gonna do that. later! ^_^