Thursday, December 31, 2009

new years eve

i can't believe it's the last day of the year. it's all gone by so fast!

if you told me January of last year that some of my coolest friends would end up being overseas, i wouldn't have believed you. i also didn't know what a Nerdfighter was, so...

if you asked me why i'm on the staff of The Guide and why i'm determined to make it a reality, i would tell you it's because being a Nerdfighter and being part of the Nerdfighter community has not only changed my life and exposed me to amazing people, but it has changed me! who and what i have at the top of my value list is different. and i never want that to change.

as for "irl" changes (irl being in quotes because some of the friendships i've made online this year seem more real than the ones in the supposed irl) nothing really has changed. i still go to work and see and talk to my friends occasionally. "occasionally" meaning almost never.

last year at this time i had a desperate hope that better things were coming.

so much unlike last year, i look forward to the new year! because i KNOW good things are coming! VidCon, for one thing, is guaranteed to be AWESOME! (plus it's happening the weekend before my birthday. so instead of a little party, i'll be going to VidCon!)

7NAP. it's fun! and we're just starting! which is so exciting! (video tomorrow! yay!)

The Guide. oh, The Guide. well, it's gonna be epic. and i'm freakin' part of it! i'm on the freakin' Staff! it can't be more awesome than that.

who knows what else this year holds for me? a podcast hopefully. but then, who knows?

see you all in the New Year! <3

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