Monday, August 16, 2010

as it comes to mind...

hiya, blog!

you're totally not gonna believe this, but i TOTALLY forgot about you today! i've been thinking all about HNS all day! since we record this week and all.

anywho, there'll be a vlog concerning that soon enough anyway. (yes. ANOTHER one! what are you trying to say?)

oh! and i think a silly song today!
Remus and the Lupins - Creepy Mustache by ChelseaIRL

so i've got 25 minutes. yeah, i think i can do this!

so work was ridiculously monotonous. i felt like i was trying to walk waste deep in thick mud. i feel like i accomplished nothing!

so i've been collecting a bunch of potential things to talk about on Thursday. i'm determined to make the first episode of HNS awesome! i'm finding lots of potential material. now i've just gotta wade through it and pick out the best.

random revelation: yesterday, i was changing my status notification thingy on Skype, and it had said something about working on secret projects. and i realized that i might as well just keep it saying that. because i'm always working on one secret project or another lately. which is cool cuz they're all awesome things. but it's weird, too. last year, i was working on nothing.

thinking of last year: guess what besties? i didn't know you last year. is that super-weird or waht? it trips me out every time i think about it.

random craving: i wanna just scroll through the geekery pages of Etsy. i never buy anything there cuz i just can't justify the price (and when i can, i can't justify the shipping), but i just like to look sometimes. i don't get to that point where i compulsively buy like i do with t-shirts.

thinking of t-shirts made me think of how i have too many black ones, made me think of colors, made me think of how i hate purple. well, i don't hate the color itself. in nature it's gorgeous. and it's an ok color as colors go. but when it comes to clothing i won't wear it. i don't know why, i just won't. it used to be me and my mother would be clothes shopping and we would find some really cute top. and i would sigh and say, "but it's purple." so a couple weeks ago, me and my mom were in Target (of all freakin' places, right?!) and we see a cute top, and my MOM sighs and says, "oh, but it's purple." it was SO WEIRD! it was like hearing my own words coming out of her mouth. the same tone and sentiment behind them. just... a weird experience.

sorry for the free association ramble tonight, blog. but sometimes it just goes like that i suppose. especially when your last few blogs have been you, literally half asleep, typing on your phone keyboard. that is NOT good. but hey! i haven't failed BEDA yet! unlike in April. that was just shameful.

ok. now with 10 minutes to spare, i leave you, blog. see you tomorrow!

Sunday, August 15, 2010

paradox banal

cue music...
Jem - Save Me by ChelseaIRL
and... ACTION!

so hey, blog! how's it going? ...yeah, yeah, yeah. you're so conceited! all about you! my turn to talk! sheesh!

so, Katie, a friend i met at VidCon, just started vlogging. and in one of her vlogs (the one you will find below), she talks about not really having anything interesting going on and spending most of her time on the computer. and i left a comment that said this (among other things... so yeah ok, i left two comments. don't judge me!):

and don't worry if nothing is going on and you spend all your time online. ((secret: that's almost 100% of vloggers))

like, most of my vlogs, i show one of the shirts in my collection, tell some weird story, or just talk about my day. :)

this comment about the content of my vlogs has got me thinking though. has life in general just gotten less weird, or have i just become numb to it? i mean, surely the world i was in at 18 (the story in my latest vlog) isn't less weird than the world is now. if anything, the opposite must be true. so why don't i have as many weird stories?

well, one of the more obvious reasons that comes to mind is that my chief means of transportation is no longer my feet. another is that i'm far more skilled at deflecting weirdos before they can attempt to engage in conversation. but there must be more to it than that!

also, how is it that most of us vloggers, with all our stories and memes and footage, could have, for the most part, boring and uneventful lives? i mean, shouldn't the people with crazy and exciting lives be vlogging? but then, they don't log countless hours in front of their computers, do they?

i'm just pointing out that it's rather strange and incongruous that those who do so little could have so much to talk about. i mean, tell me the name of just ONE vlogger who, at the end of the day, isn't just a guy/girl alone talking to their camera. school and/or a job, a family, responsibilities. pretty boring. and yet they vlog. and it's watchable! it's a paradox, that's all i'm saying!

ok, blog. i'm gonna go back to my boring life now. :)

Saturday, August 14, 2010

back to blog

where did the music go??? blog, i'm sorry!!! i don't... i don't know what happened! i was all, i'm gonna blog! blog, blog, blog. blog, blog, blog. and then i was working on #hotnerdsexy which was released on Thursday, and i had to... what? you DON'T know about #hotnerdsexy?!?

*pretending i'm ok with this* we shall fix this now.

ok, now that we're all on the same page we can be friends again. ...i mean, we always were friends, yeah.

so now you need FIVE songs! one for today, and to make up for the lack. ready?

Hot Hot Heat - Goodnight Goodnight by ChelseaIRL

Simple Plan - You Don't Mean Anything by ChelseaIRL

Fall Out Boy - Get Busy Living Or Get Busy Dying by ChelseaIRL

Home Grown - I Love You, Not by ChelseaIRL

Panic at the Disco - Time To Dance by ChelseaIRL

now, the one by Panic at the Disco is about my favorite Chuck Palahniuk book, "Invisible Monsters." it makes complete sense if you've read that book.
the rest of the songs sound happy, but are actually pretty mean.

also, tell me what you thought of #hotnerdsexy! what did you like? what didn't you like? what should we add? what should we take out? tell me in the comments. or email us! or tweet us.

Friday, August 13, 2010

almost a real blog post

hey blog!

so i can't seem to stop editing stuff long enough to write a proper blog lately! it's ridiculous! but hey! at least it's officially on time tonight! yay! :)
so the pilot episode of #hotnerdsexy is officially upon us. if you havent' already, go listen to the podcast at subscribe. then follow us (me and Meg) on twitter @hotnerdsexy so you won't miss a thing!

ok, so i've only got two minutes, so i'm gonna go now. full blog tomorrow! :)

Thursday, August 12, 2010

half asleep

falling asleep as I type! REAL blog post tomorrow, I PROMISE!!!

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

cop out

i haven't gone to sleep yet, so this counts as a post on the right day. and now i must go to sleep! good night!

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

near fail

hiya blog!

did I completely forget about you, and am I now posting in bed from my phone upon remembering you before I fell asleep? you bet I am! improved with this swype thing, haven't I?

ok, g'night blog!

Monday, August 9, 2010

vlogging changed my life, yo!

hey blog!

i nearly forgot about you already! can you believe it??? i know!

hmm... a song... a song... here's one i like!

Nico Vega - So So Fresh by ChelseaIRL

i just love the energy of that song! it's just bursting! oh, and fun fact: i usually am listening to whatever song i put at the top while i write the rest of the blog. bonus fact: i put the song at the top so you can hit play and listen to it while you read.

there is just not enough time in the day, you know that? i didn't even go to work today, and yet it feels like i'm still just as behind as without a day off! too many things to do! :/

i must admit, i'm not in much of a blogging mood, all. but that's because i'm working on my #secretproject right now and i want to be thinking about that, and i can't talk about it here. at least not till Thursday. so...

what shall we talk about blog? oh! we can talk about how i never did post my 5 part VidCon video! i'm kinda at the point that i think no one cares. so, if anyone still actually cares for me to post it, then i'll finish editing it. otherwise it'll just be another thing that sits quietly on my hard drive. there is a small collection of things there. ideas that never came to fruition. poor abandoned videos.

thinking of videos, i really would like to start vlogging more often. i really don't think i do so often enough. especially considering i only have my channel and 7NAP. and 7NAP is never a chore. i mean, sometimes i don't feel like vlogging, but i'd rather do it than not.

i've been thinking a lot about persona lately. reality vs. perception. my goal in my vlogs is always to be what you get in real life in the present realm. because i think that's kind of the hardest thing to achieve in a vlog. an actual, accurate representation of yourself. i mean, we all edit out the worst parts. so you're never really getting the real picture. so my new approach to vlogging is to cut the time of filming. if i want to make a video that's 4 minutes long, then i should record for no longer than 5 minutes. i mean, there are obviously gonna be moments where i pause and such, but overall i want to keep everything i do in. that way you get the real me. so yeah, that's the plan. vlog more often and take less time to do it.

ok, i'm about to get rather corny right now, so just skip the next paragraph if you have a weak stomach, but i really think that VidCon changed me. something about spending three days straight surrounded by people who think like you, like the same things you like, and just generally like being nice to each other... it's like you can't believe such a thing could be possible until you live in it. and it also makes you kind of feel validated in a way. like, so yeah, none of the people that surround you in your present life get you. but there are literally hundreds of people who are just like you, so it doesn't really matter. it's like, "well, you can look at me weird all you want. cuz i know that these other hundred people like what i'm doing." and that confidence is the way i've changed. it's not some HUGE change. i'm not a different person. i'm just a lot more secure about being that person.

a strange, but relevant example is music. i've always been very self-conscious about my musical taste. i really do believe that music says something about what kind of person you are. so i'm kind of afraid that people will judge me if i don't like the right music or something. in other words, before VidCon, i would NEVER have decided to stick songs i like in all of my blogs for a month. i mean, now and then to convey a certain emotion, but EVERY day?! NO WAY! that leaves me way to exposed!!! but now, it's ok.

alright, so now that we've come full circle, i think i can bid you good night, and go back to working on something that you will (hopefully) think is awesome! :)

Sunday, August 8, 2010

hear the music, get excited, don't be a douche

hiya blog!

ok, so first i'm going to apologize to Meg, because she is going to hate the sound quality of this song. but Meg, it's indie, ok? just listen to the lyrics!

Vroom - Untitled (I Love You[You Can't Stand Me]) by ChelseaIRL

ok, so... i posted two vlogs today. but hear me out! one was linked to my old channel so that people would know about the new channel. and the other was just, ya know, a vlog. mostly just getting people excited about my secret projects. so now they know one of them has something to do with #hotnerdsexy and that everything will be disclosed on Thursday, but NOTHING else! oh! suspense!!!

i'm gonna keep this up you know? building the hype! :D
but honestly i'm just ridiculously excited about this! and i hope that everyone else will like what i'm working on. cuz, it'll be SOOOO much fun if you do! :D

ok, we interrupt your regularly scheduled blog to bring you "he said, she said." (this JUST happened)

i said (in the comments of PhillyD's latest Vloggity):
i just can't stop looking at the clocks! all those clocks! what TIME ZONE ARE THEY IN?!?

ok. vid over. i'm back. such a creepy casting call! i AM in the LA area, and i am NOT game! creeper! XD

then he said:
The1Ray1W1Johnson: @ChelseaIRL hahaha stupid american. timezones r in 1 hr incriments* or 30 mins if u include pei u learn this in grade 4 those r random times otherwise theyd b mostly pointing to the same minute

so i replied:
@The1Ray1W1Johnson um... i was just joking. it's very obvious that they're random. :/

just because i'm American doesn't mean i'm an idiot. and i don't know where you're from, but you might wanna work on not jumping to conclusions, not being condescending, and not being prejudiced against other nations.

ugh! the nerve of some people! first of all, no sense of humor, so obviously worthless. second of all, i'm American, so you assume i don't know about time zones. and third, i really don't need you to educate me, thanks so much! just... triple threat nerve! in a word: douche.

see, it's moments like these when i forget to be awesome and just want to pass out the poison Kool-Aid.

anywho! so you happen to be listening to one of my favorite songs ever. although i'm not very emo IRL, i do have rather emo musical taste. it's weird and incongruous, i know. and yet, it's fact. i'm especially a sucker for songs such as this that melodically sound rather happy, but the lyrics are so "aw! sad panda!" or are really mean, a la Fall Out Boy. basically when the music conveys one emotion and the lyrics convey another, i love it!

ok. well, i'm sleepy already, blog and i've still got shit to do. so i'll catch you tomorrow! :)

ps. where ARE you Lydia?!? i sent you the thing. email me! or Skype me! or even YouTube me!

Saturday, August 7, 2010

no progress

hello blog! check it out! a REAL blog post!

sorry about yesterday, but i had to post my 7NAP video, and i simply didn't have any more time. i mean, BEDA has priority and everything, but 7NAP comes first.

and now for the music! just one long metaphor!
Hellogoodbye - Homewrecker by ChelseaIRL

why this song? other than the fact that it's one long metaphor? because i love Hellogoodbye. and i love this song. and i danced to it (and the rest of the album) before going to sleep last night.

so, the plan for today was to go shopping for a car.

...well. we went shopping.

me and my mother hadn't been to the Body Shop in at least a year. and there was a sale. so we got stuff. let me tell you blog, i smell really good. :)

i also got new blush. i needed some. so. know, my day, overall, has been rather uneventful. and i usually read something or see something that inspires me in some way. but nothing really happened today. and since i don't have anything to tell you, here is my attempt to make up for it:

Chuck Progress

first, i don't like the idea of being tied to one name for this project. plus, the word play is irresistible. i mean, seriously, how can you not call this "Klosterfuck." especially with the gratuitious use of the word (fuck) in the first chapter. so, this is what it will be called today.


chapter two covered the parallels of the Sims to real life. not as many lols. still enjoyable. again, i can't get over Klosterman's pessimistic, super-cynical outlook. but if you can sit through the more conceited and condescending of the cynicism, then the payoff (when he gets to the point) is still worth it. so far. i'll keep you posted.

Friday, August 6, 2010


is this a total cop out? um, yeah. sorry, blog, but 7NAP took precedent. :/
better blog tomorrow!

Jimmy Eat World - Get It Faster by ChelseaIRL

Thursday, August 5, 2010

what about your friends

if we can call them friends then we can call them on the telephone
and they won't pretend that they're too busy or they're not alone
and if we can call them friends then we can call
holler at 'em down these hallowed halls
just don't let the human factor fail to be a factor at all
"Tables and Chairs" Andrew Bird
OH! song quote! what? is she gonna play a song by the same artist two days in a row?!?

no, actually. today we're gonna listen to a song that tells a story. eat your heart out, Johnny Cash!

Be Your Own Pet - Becky by ChelseaIRL

so i'm actually writing this before i leave work today. although you're probably not gonna see this posted till way later. why???

well, first of all i have my #secretplans to take care of. then i'm going to the Buffy meet. then i have to do my hair. then, finally, i should have time to put on the finishing touches to this blog and send it off into the blogosphere.

and for the record i LOVE those lines in the quoted song above. and i didn't have friends that fit that description until i started working on the Guide to Nerdfighting and vlogging on 7NAP. not that i didn't have friends before. it's just that they were all very superficial. i know hind sight is 20/20 and all, but man it explains a lot looking back!

anywho, i'm out of time for now. maybe i'll get to add to this later. if not, i hope you enjoy the song. :)

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

fake quo

so, i'm sure you've noticed that every post so far has had music to go with it. and i'm gonna keep that up, blog. cuz, well, i enjoy it and since this is my blog, we're gonna do what i like. now, you may be saying, "uh-uh! you did NOT have music every day. the other day, day two, you did NOT have music." and this is true. originally that post did not have music. it was supposed to, but SoundCloud wouldn't cooperate, and it was 11:50pm, so i was out of time. but it's there now!

Andrew Bird - Fake Palindromes by ChelseaIRL

oh, i am tired today blog. as much as i would love to ramble on, this is gonna have to be cut short, cuz i think i'm gonna try to actually get a decent amount of sleep tonight. a major step in one of my #secretplans is gonna happen tomorrow! i'm very excited about this. and a little nervous. and i really hope you like it!

oh, and thinking of stuff i haven't told you yet, i made a twitter account called @BEDAlist i'm basically gonna RT all announcements of new posts as well as announce all posts as i notice they've been posted. so if you forget to read a blog or something, there will be a little twitter reminder to help you out. :) this has two purposes: 1) to help everyone read each other's blogs. 2) to make me stay current on everybody's blogs.

if you know anyone who should be on the list and is not, just tweet their Skype name at me and i'll get it sorted.

i'm so tired right now i can't quite think straight. i did NOT get enough sleep last night. and i'm too tired right now to even remember why. and i've got a busy day ahead of me, blog. stupid work is always getting in the way of my life, i swear!

ok, if you've known me for longer than this blog post, then you've see me say that before. what do i mean by that? i do not believe work is your life. exception being if you actually like your job. like, live for what you're doing. otherwise, those 40 hours are just what you do so you can afford the other 128. and it's really not fair cuz about 56 of those 128 real life hours are spent sleeping. so really, give or take a few, you're only getting 56 hours a week of real life. that's not even three days a week! personally, it makes me want to figure out ways to make an independent living or spend less time sleeping. point is, i wanna turn that time table inside out. i want to be getting at least 100 hours a week of real life time. that's about 4 days. i think that's only fair to get most the days of the week. i mean, after all, for all we can really physically prove, this IS the only life we'll be getting a shot at. we don't even know if we'll have any sort of consciousness afterward. and if you ask me, that makes my time just that much more precious here. and more than half of it is being spent working and sleeping. if you ask me, those scales are WAY off kilter.

so there you go. in summary, let there be music, follow @BEDAlist, and disrupt the status quo. "because the status is not quo!" ok, i'm gonna leave you now so i can spend my time sleeping instead of reading, researching, and basically having a nerdy good time.

BONUS CONTENT: if you know Clive at all, then 0:55 will be epic. if you don't know Clive... well i'm not sure we can still be friends. yeah, he's just that awesome.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

a walk through hell (aka my current mindset)

hey! hi! hello, blog! whoops! band i haven't gotten around to downloading yet!*

and simply because i REALLY like this song, and because i know Lydia likes it too:
Say Anything - A Walk Through Hell by ChelseaIRL

that right there is a perfect example of what BEDA #3 is going to be like. because i have been all over the place ALL DAY today! and let me tell you ... i just almost wrote twitter. you're not twitter! you're blog! see? that's what i'm talking about! but to actually end that sentence: and let me tell you blog, i am not looking forward to Thursday night/ Friday morning. well, actually quite the contrary. i'm looking forward to it VERY much. the activity that will take place. NOT the sleep i will be losing. i am NOT looking forward to the SLEEP i'll be LOSING. wow, so concise tonight!

why will i be losing sleep, blog? (bet you were hungry for that new paragraph! that last one was SO LONG! sorry.) but why, you ask? well, i just can't tell you that. THAT is one of my secret plans. you will not find out about that until Aug. 12th. so, soon enough!

but wait! she said one of her secret plans! yes! she did! sorry, stuck in third person for a moment there. yes! i did! and i'm sorry, but even i don't know the launch date of that one, so i can't even tease you about that one for now. but believe me, when i DO know the launch date, you will be thoroughly teased! (does anybody else feel just a little bit dirty right now?)

oh, my day! um.... there was work, and talking to Meg, and having troubles with... oh yeah! THAT'S what this blog was supposed to be about!

ok. so, as you may have noticed, (or maybe not depending on when you come across this blog entry) i have not one but TWO comment sections right now. and as such, if everyone would be so kind as to use the one at the bottom, i will GREATLY appreciate it! :)
Disqus (the ones who make said comment section. you know. the bottom one.) caught wind of my bitching on twitter today and asked what was going on. (literally. this is what happened. twitter is a weird and wonderful place.) so i told them. and DO YOU KNOW WHAT THEY TOLD ME?!?! <-- gratuitous punctuation which means i think what they told me is ridiculous. in so many words, they said i could either go with my old blog template, or hopefully find a template made by them. SERIOUSLY?!? not, "oh! looks like we need an upgrade. sorry for the inconvenience." nor, "oh dear. let's crack this mystery together!" nor even, the answer i wanted to hear, "oh, the fix is simple! ___put answer in the blank____" but no. the answer was "downgrade, or play the lottery!" please tell me i'm not the only one who finds this answer unacceptable.

and, by the way, at the time of this exchange i did not have two comment sections. oh no. i had ZERO comment sections! two comment sections i can pull off. i can say i'm being avante garde and chic. i can say all the cool kids are doing it. (who the fuck knows what the cool kids are actually doing, anyway?) but NO comment sections can not be slanted as cool, hip, chic, or any other catchy little positive adjective. no, no. NO comment section can only be interpreted as FAIL. which incidentally, is EXACTLY how i feel about Disqus right now. DisqusFAIL!!!!

ok. i'm sorry. i didn't mean to go all ranty. but seriously, that problem did take up significant chunks of my day and isn't even resolved. so, i think you might be able to be just a bit sympathetic to my frustration. and, just for the record, i HATE that sentence. ok, maybe hate is a little strong. but i definitely don't like it, but since i only have 15 minutes to wrap this all up and make it look like i had a plan from the beginning, i don't have time to dwell on it. all i can do is extend my sincere apologies, and assure you that i will try my best to improve in the future.

and just for the record, i seriously considered changing my screen name to "justfortherecord" but a) it was taken and b) it was kinda lengthy. and honestly, all for the best, because i like ChelseaIRL better. :)

and with this i will leave you dear readers. and with this, i am sure you are relieved. good night. or possibly good morning. maybe even good afternoon. frankly i don't really care. either way, i send you a kind farewell and best wishes!

*i would like to acknowledge that that title is ultra dramatic. and that i hate that sentence as well. but with only 3 minutes to spare, i'll deal.

Monday, August 2, 2010

so much to say

just a quick warning before we get started: this blog is gonna jump from topic to topic. sometimes without segue. so don't say i didn't warn you!

01 So Much to Say by ChelseaIRL

first thing's first. because making lists for projects and making twitter accounts is what i do best, i have done two things today. 1) i have made a list of those participating in BEDA. if you are not on the list (and you're participating, of course) then let me know so i can add you! :) 2) as you may or may not have noticed, we have moved house*, blog. same old blog, different address at the top. i have also changed my screen name. i am no longer coolhandjohnny, but am now ChelseaIRL. which means, even online, i am still IRL. paradoxical, and somehow accurate, seeing how the internet has taken over my life. that doesn't sound right. "take over" implies hostility. there was no hostility. i welcome and nurture my internet addiction.

oh yeah! and i guess it isn't quite the "same old blog" either. it looks a bit different. although it looked like this shortly before the move, but you didn't get to see it. sorry for the shock. also, sorry for the next shock in advance. this change is (hopefully, though not for certain due to my procrastination) temporary. i plan to make it a little more me and a little less i got this out of the blog template box.

some of you may have seen my tweet about how i was going to blog about how much i hate my work computer. well, as promised, we've arrived at that part of the blog. there is a special place in hell for the computer i use at my place of work. and since i don't even believe in hell, that's saying a lot. it is the SLOWEST thing ever. the only thing more annoying than trying to surf online with the thing (especially with multiple tabs) is trying to actually do my work. it takes FOREVER for any of the programs to initially open. and it usually takes a while to switch between programs. and since switching between programs is almost all i do (Word-Excel-AdobeAcrobat-Excel-Acrobat-Excel-Word-etc.) it is VERY annoying. one day i should vlog it simply so you can fully appreciate the extent of my frustrations. seriously, i loathe that computer.

so i'm still dieting more or less. i eat actual solid food now, but i stay away from carbs like the plague. my slimmer thighs, hips and waistline thank me for it. i'm sorry for not bringing on the full-blast disclosure, but i just felt like it needed to be this thing that no one had their judgement or opinion on. just something i was doing for me. so i still have next to no sugar and very, very little carbs. so i mostly eat meat and vegetables. i still have a shake for breakfast and for lunch during the week. but on the weekends i just eat whenever i get hungry. which usually goes: i should eat breakfast but i'm not hungry - don't eat - not hungry - don't eat - not hungry - don't eat - not hungry - randomly freaking starving!!! rush to the kitchen for some leftover something (within the bounds of my diet, of course) - don't eat - not hungry - a little hungry, but i can't be bothered - etc. etc. - dinner. if i could eat like that every day, you would know how i ate all through high school and college and know why i was skinny! also, i walked around more (ya know, classes and such).

something i notice about blogging, especially being the old veteran to BEDA i am now, is blog snobbery. don't worry, i'm fairly certain that the one i was snobbish about won't read this, so if you are in fact reading this, you can rest assured i'm not talking about you. <-- that's what we call a disclaimer. so anyway, i was reading someone's first BEDA, and i looked at the design and thought "seriously?" i mean, just looking at it REALLY did put me off wanting to read it. but i did. and honestly it wasn't a bad blog. but it's design just hurt my feelings and i did not want to read it. my brain was literally coming up with other things to do while i was reading. very bad. side note, while we're on the ranty part of the blog, i am REALLY sick of the "love" tweets i've been seeing lately. you're going out with someone. it's great. and i'm happy for you. but for god's sake do i really need to hear about it no less than three times a day? once every few days, sure. but multiple times a day? seriously??? ugh! so that concludes our blogging adventure for today. unless you're gonna read the footnotes. i mean, you can skip them if you want. they're only footnotes. supplements, if you will. it won't take away from the blog if you don't read them. and really, there's only one today, so it won't be a big deal. so this is probably the end for you, in which case, i bid you goodnight. even if it's morning or mid-afternoon. no matter what time you're reading this, night will eventually come, and i wish you a good one. i'll see the rest of you in the footnotes.**

*they say "moved house" in the UK. it always makes me giggle.

**if you're reading the footnotes, you're probably the type to have noticed that i said there was only one footnote, but that there are actually two. well that's because this one's just for you! thank you for taking the time to read my footnotes. i really do appreciate it! you're so much more awesome than those losers who checked out after the last paragraph. posers. you're my real friends. <3

Sunday, August 1, 2010

and so it begins...

hey, Blog! fancy meeting you here!

(it's random, but it's from my favorite band and is absolutely ridiculous. as is this blog. well, it's not from my favorite band... you know what i mean!)
Hellogoodbye - Welcome to My Record [GM OG Mix] by coolhandjohnny

so here we are, doing that BEDA thing again, except this time the A stands for August. why am i doing this you ask? well clearly i didn't get enough torture the last time!!!

seriously though, i'm doing this because i got to know my friends better doing this project. and even more of them are doing it this time which means it's going to be even better! also, i kind of failed last time. ...well, i did fail last time. there were days i forgot to post or posted late, and this time i wanna do it right! so here's to 30 more days of this! :)

oh, and you may notice the lack of snazzy countdown counter. i thought i was gonna do one, but then realized, last minute, that i just couldn't be bothered and would rather work on my secret projects which are discussed (cryptically) herein.

so i think we should start out seeing what i'm doing today and now, and then comparing notes on the 31st. that's one of my out of thin air ideas, so theoretically, it should work.

right now i'm working on two relatively secret projects with my friends Meg and Lydia. (who are also doing BEDA and who are pretty much the only people who read my blog.) hi guys! or i should say ladies. but i won't because that just is getting way too PC and i was just going for an informal greeting. digression!!! so yeah, relatively secret projects. "relatively" because Meg knows about me and Lydia's project, and a small handful of people (such as Lydia) know about me and Meg's project. but only I know all the details of BOTH! muahahahaha!

ok, not a big deal, but hey! how often do you get to pull out the evil laughter??? right?

also, i'm trying to talk myself into paying for LeakyCon right now. it's in Orlando next year. first day is my birthday. so i could LEGITIMATELY make it my birthday present for next year. however, i don't have the money for it at the moment. well, i mean TECHNICALLY i COULD pay for it now. but that's just generally a BAD idea. the con itself isn't the price i'm worried about. it's the hotel stay. and LeakyCon's forum doesn't have a roommate section like VidCon's did. :( oh, nerd dilemmas!

and next summer is going to be a VERY expensive summer that i'm going to have to start saving now for. there's VidCon, and ComicCon, and SitC. SitC obviously being the most expensive as it will include a flight and hotel stay in London. ComicCon will require a hotel stay in San Diego. and VidCon, even if it's in LA again, will require a hotel stay. plus the cost of the cons themselves. so now, thinking about investing in LeakyCon... i just don't know. cuz i'm already determined to go to the other three. Also, i have to book the hotel now. and that's the most expensive part! i just don't have the money to pay for that part right now. the flight and the con yes. the hotel, no. if it were the other way around, i'd do it. but it's not. ALSO, i'm planning on buying a car soon. car payments + insurance = EXPENSIVE. so, don't exactly have the funds to be shelling out for expensive hotels in Orlando at the moment. :( #nerddilemma

wow, did i just devote not one, but TWO paragraphs to cons that are happening NEXT YEAR! yeah, i'm just gonna pass that one off as #hotnerdsexy. a term i invented two weeks ago. more on that in blogs to come.

for now, i leave you! and considering how long this thing has gotten, i think you're probably glad. #relief #thankgodshestoppedtyping or, if you're Lydia, #thanknoentityinparticularidon'tbelieveinthatshitshestoppedtyping

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