Sunday, August 8, 2010

hear the music, get excited, don't be a douche

hiya blog!

ok, so first i'm going to apologize to Meg, because she is going to hate the sound quality of this song. but Meg, it's indie, ok? just listen to the lyrics!

Vroom - Untitled (I Love You[You Can't Stand Me]) by ChelseaIRL

ok, so... i posted two vlogs today. but hear me out! one was linked to my old channel so that people would know about the new channel. and the other was just, ya know, a vlog. mostly just getting people excited about my secret projects. so now they know one of them has something to do with #hotnerdsexy and that everything will be disclosed on Thursday, but NOTHING else! oh! suspense!!!

i'm gonna keep this up you know? building the hype! :D
but honestly i'm just ridiculously excited about this! and i hope that everyone else will like what i'm working on. cuz, it'll be SOOOO much fun if you do! :D

ok, we interrupt your regularly scheduled blog to bring you "he said, she said." (this JUST happened)

i said (in the comments of PhillyD's latest Vloggity):
i just can't stop looking at the clocks! all those clocks! what TIME ZONE ARE THEY IN?!?

ok. vid over. i'm back. such a creepy casting call! i AM in the LA area, and i am NOT game! creeper! XD

then he said:
The1Ray1W1Johnson: @ChelseaIRL hahaha stupid american. timezones r in 1 hr incriments* or 30 mins if u include pei u learn this in grade 4 those r random times otherwise theyd b mostly pointing to the same minute

so i replied:
@The1Ray1W1Johnson um... i was just joking. it's very obvious that they're random. :/

just because i'm American doesn't mean i'm an idiot. and i don't know where you're from, but you might wanna work on not jumping to conclusions, not being condescending, and not being prejudiced against other nations.

ugh! the nerve of some people! first of all, no sense of humor, so obviously worthless. second of all, i'm American, so you assume i don't know about time zones. and third, i really don't need you to educate me, thanks so much! just... triple threat nerve! in a word: douche.

see, it's moments like these when i forget to be awesome and just want to pass out the poison Kool-Aid.

anywho! so you happen to be listening to one of my favorite songs ever. although i'm not very emo IRL, i do have rather emo musical taste. it's weird and incongruous, i know. and yet, it's fact. i'm especially a sucker for songs such as this that melodically sound rather happy, but the lyrics are so "aw! sad panda!" or are really mean, a la Fall Out Boy. basically when the music conveys one emotion and the lyrics convey another, i love it!

ok. well, i'm sleepy already, blog and i've still got shit to do. so i'll catch you tomorrow! :)

ps. where ARE you Lydia?!? i sent you the thing. email me! or Skype me! or even YouTube me!

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