Tuesday, May 31, 2011

cleaning up

hello blog!

i always miss writing, though that doesn't stop me from being lazy. XD

so i don't have too much to say, but i have to at least say this much. this morning i was trying to help Darlene change out a part on the copier. as it happens, said part was full of toner (which is powder) and when i picked it up i spilled some on the front of my brand new shirt.* http://dft.ba/-tp3
the stuff that got on my jeans all rubbed out with a paper towel, but of course the stuff on the shirt did not. my coworker suggested that i try vacuuming it out. and so i went into the janitorial room and vacuumed myself.
most of it came out and you don't even really see it now. which is good because i'm going to a Web Soup taping tonight and don't have time to stop at home and change my clothes.
i don't know what the rest of the day has in store for me, but it can't be any weirder than vacuuming yourself at 9:30 in the morning.

*when i say brand new, i mean i literally took the shirt out of the pouch it was shipped in and put it on.

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