Monday, October 3, 2011


ok, so i'm not sure if i'm going to get any progress done on anything else, but i can at least write a blog post.
so, since everyone is gearing up for NaNoWriMo, this one chick found all the people in her circles participating in Wrimo and put them in one public circle. only people in the circle could see each other. all 250 people are adding each other. so... i gained 250 friends today. XD
oh, and if anyone's doing Wrimo let me know so i can add you to my Wrimo circle.
also, this year i plan to go to some of the Wrimo events. at the very least i'll be going to the kick-off, mid-month, and TGIO (Thank Gosh It's Over) parties. we'll see how many of the meet-ups in between i make it to.
i'm just so excited this year! i'm nervous that i won't win, but not so much that i don't think i will. i just hope i don't get a block in the middle! there's not much you can do if you get a block. :/
well i'm gonna go back to planning, plotting and character development! see ya when i see ya!

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